Worship Services and Times

In Person Worship: Sunday at 10:00 AM. Holy Communion is served on the first and third Sunday of each month.

Livestream: Available on our Livestream Page Sunday at 10:00 AM

Individual Confession and Forgiveness

Private Confession is available with the pastor during certain times and by arrangement with him if desired.

As Luther taught, private individual confession is a gift of comfort for those struggling with their sins. He writes, “Yet I will let no man take private confession from me, and I would not give it up for all the treasures in the world; for I know what comfort and strength it has given me. No man knows so well what it can do for him as he who must struggle and fight much with the devil. The devil would have slain me long ago if confession had not sustained me. For there are many doubts and false matters which a man cannot settle by himself… So he takes a brother aside and tells him his trouble. What harm does it do him to humble himself a little before his brother and put himself to shame? When you receive a word of comfort from him, accept and believe that word as if you heard it from God himself.” (W 10, III, 61 f- E 28, 283 – SL 20, 48)